Pro-Russian and left-wing MPs blocked the session of the Bulgarian Parliament

MPs from the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), Vazrazhdane and There is such a people (TSP) boycotted the meeting of the Bulgarian National Assembly because of the removal of the Soviet Army monument in the center of Sofia and the majority's desire for constitutional changes.

At the beginning of the plenary session, the leader of "Vazrazhdane" took the floor and read a declaration, with which he stirred up the wits in the plenary hall. At the end of it, all the MPs from BSP, TSP and "Vazrazhdane" stood in front of the parliamentary rostrum and threatened that the sessions of the National Assembly would not continue normally until their voices were heard, BGNES reports.

Three hours after the legislative activity in the parliament was stopped, the people's representatives from the three parties occupied the parliamentary tribune. Despite the two councils of the presidents of the parliamentary groups that were held, the MPs did not find a consensus on the topics.

The chairman of the National Assembly, Rosen Zhelyazkov, commented that after the talks, it was concluded that the normal order in the hall could not be established, which is why the meeting was adjourned. "I am adjourning the meeting. The next meeting is tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.," he announced.

BGNES reminds that in recent days workers have been dismantling the monument.
During the Second World War, not a single Soviet soldier died in combat on the territory of Bulgaria. /BGNES