Bulgarian politicians voted for a stable government and protection of national interests

The politicians voted for a European Bulgaria. A Bulgaria that will have a voice in the European Parliament, a Bulgaria that will be stable and secure.

Most hope to have a stable regular government, as well as to broadcast the best representatives in the European Parliament, BGNES reported.

Glavchev: I hope that both a government and a parliament will be formed quickly

I voted for politicians who respect the Constitution and laws and are guided by the interests of the people in all their actions. I voted for politicians to be honest and work for the interests of the people, to put public interests above personal ones. This was stated by acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev after exercising his right to vote.

I hope that a government will be formed quickly, a stable parliament with a full mandate and a regular government with a full mandate and that Bulgaria's path to the better will continue emphasized Glavchev.

Borisov: I also dream of a Bulgaria where there are no cash flows

I voted not to take a leva from each diesel and gasoline, not to pay 30% to middlemen, not to keep smuggling going, not to give Ninova and Asen Vassilev the opportunity to follow the cash flows.

The formula of the cash flows is We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria (WCC-DB), Vazrazhdane political party and Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), after Asen Vasilev says that these flows go to Ninova. I dream of a Bulgaria where there are no cash flows. This was stated by the leader of GERB Boyko Borisov.

I voted to stop this cash in the last 4 years, to start fulfilling our promises that "Hemus", "Struma" (highways  - editor's note), and Tarnovo-Ruse will continue, this is what people expect. Of course, something stable so that Bulgaria can return to the place where it was and its voice can be heard, Borisov is categorical.

Rumen Hristov: I voted for a stable majority

I voted for a stable majority to form a government and rule Bulgaria for at least four years. This was stated by the chairman of the Union of Democratic Forces (UDF) Rumen Hristov.

A stable majority that works in favour of the Bulgarian citizens, that there will be no elections soon, because the voters are tired, and we, and the state, are tired of going on its European path. Regarding the European elections, let us send worthy representatives to the European Parliament. I wish success to everyone, especially to my coalition!

Petkov: As long as Peevski and Borisov make decisions, there is no point in negotiating

I voted not to give up the hope that Bulgaria can be a normal country where there is a fairly distributed wealth, my fear is that there is a risk of a large number of bought and corporate votes, which means that if all Bulgarians do not come out to vote, the risk for the homeland it's big for us. This was stated by the co-chairman of WCC-DB Kiril Petkov.

The stake is that we are at a crossroads. Either we will return Bulgaria back to when some figures had our country as their fatherland, or we will move forward, said Petkov. While both Peevski and Borisov are in the position to make decisions, there is no point in negotiating and talking about anything. We saw that our vision for Bulgaria and theirs are fundamentally different, Petkov specified.

Hristo Ivanov voted for a European Bulgaria that does not go back

I voted to continue with the reforms - not to let Bulgaria go back and east. This was said by the leader of "Yes, Bulgaria" and co-chairman of WCC-DB Hristo Ivanov.

In the 2-in-1 election – for the national parliament and for the European parliament, Ivanov chose the machine vote.

In the parliamentary elections, I voted for a majority for a normal European Bulgaria, Ivanov said. His wish is that the country does not go back and East.

I voted not to leave the country in the hands of Peevski, he added. Coalition options exclude sitting at the table with the DPS. He expects the election day to be over and the option of coalitions remains open.

It is important how the people will pronounce, announced Hristo Ivanov.

It is very important to call on people to vote, and not to leave Bulgaria alone. His hope is that Bulgaria will wake up surprised by a high voter turnout.

Kostadin Kostadinov: The elections are a chance to throw the political garbage in the bucket

Elections are a chance to throw the political garbage in the bin. When you don't vote, someone else votes for you. This was stated by the leader of "Vazrazhdane" Kostadin Kostadinov.

They will vote in Turkey, but why are we letting foreign citizens elect our government, asked Kostadinov.

Whoever is tired of their right to choose is tired of freedom, he emphasized and invited the Bulgarian people to vote.

The future of Bulgaria is in your hands, vote, said Kostadinov.

Ninova: For the government to be successful and lasting, it must be supra-party and expert

I voted for peace, and social justice, for an end to assemblies and agreements, for order, stability and security in every home, and in the European elections for people for whom the national interest comes first in our common European home. This was stated by the BSP leader Cornelia Ninova.

Ninova voted with a paper ballot, adding that it was safer in her opinion.

I saw a desire in people to vote, the higher the turnout, the higher the legitimacy, Ninova specified. Everything possible should be done to have a cabinet, Bulgaria needs stability, I hope it will make sense and have a cabinet, she added. In order to be successful and lasting, the government must be supra-party, expert and programmatic, Ninova emphasized.

Ivaylo Valchev: I want Bulgaria to stop riding the roller coaster of horrors

We all want Bulgaria to be governed sensibly and normally without riding the rollercoaster of horrors that the next election represents, said Ivaylo Valchev, Deputy Chairman of ITN.

Internally, I believe that people will vote for those who will bring understanding, and for the European elections I expect people to choose representatives who are like them with the same views and thoughts, and not just another bureaucrat who will dissolve in the Brussels fog, he added.

Bulgaria can be on an equal footing with the others, not backwards, and its agenda can also be the agenda in Europe, noted Valchev. The organization of the two-in-one vote hopes that the day will pass peacefully.

Peevski: It is time to form a stable government

It is time to make a stable government. People deserve a fresh start. This was stated by the chairman of the DPS, Delyan Peevski, after voting.

The chairman of the DPS voted with a paper ballot in Kardzhali.

Raya Nazaryan: I expect the elections to be the beginning of the end of the political crisis and chaos

I voted for responsible politicians who have proven that with their experience and expertise, they are capable of forming a strong and secure government with a full mandate in order to obtain the security and prosperity expected by all citizens, said Raya Nazaryan, leader of the GERB list- SDS in 24 MIR in Sofia.

I expect today's elections to be the beginning of the end of the political crisis and chaos added Nazaryan.

Without the will of the Bulgarian citizens, it will not be easy to form a government, said Nazaryan. The higher the turnout, the more likely we are to have a stable government. Today the Bulgarian citizens are on the move, from tomorrow - the politicians, she added. I am the leader of 24 MIR and I have been close to the people throughout the campaign, with the idea of ​​restoring normality in communication between politicians so that we can stabilize the state, Nazaryan also said.

Vasil Terziev: I vote for a better Bulgaria, which stands with dignity in Europe

I vote for a better Bulgaria, which stands with dignity in Europe. This is what the capital's mayor Vasil Terziev told journalists after exercising his right to vote.

"I hope there will be stability after the elections because we all lose from the lack of stability. Our approach has always been to work with everyone at the local and state level, added Vasil Terziev in response to a question about whether Sofians feel the lack of a regular government. Regardless of who is the prime minister, who is the minister, we will protect the interests of Sofia, because the work for the city continues", the capital's mayor also pointed out. | BGNES