Negotiations for rotation in the Bulgarian government continue after the end of consultations with the President

After the consultations between the Bulgarian president and parliamentary forces have ended, the negotiations on the rotation in the government continue. The opposition in Bulgaria is pushing for elections as soon as possible, BGNES reported.
On the second day of political consultations with the Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, the opposition parties never gave an answer to the question the president asked, namely whether they have a formula for governing and whether they can implement a possible third mandate. Both "Revival" and the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) see the "salvation" of Bulgaria in new extraordinary elections. The representatives of There is such people (TSP) joined the general opposition opinion.
This morning's consultations with the president began with a meeting with representatives of "Revival", the fourth largest parliamentary group.

"I assume you are following the course of negotiations between the partners in the ruling coalition. Over the past period you have positioned yourselves as opposition to the government. Having followed all these processes of government selection, how do you assess the chance of forming a government, even if it is better than the current one? If the first and second terms fail, are you prepared to offer an option for governing the country?" With these words, President Rumen Radev welcomed the representatives of Revival - Kostadin Kostadinov, Tsoncho Ganev, Petar Petrov, Svetoslav Todorov and Veselin Veshev.

"We are always ready to offer an option for the governance of the country. We have a ready composition of the government, we have been saying this for three years now", the party leader Kostadin Kostadinov replied.

As a penultimate meeting and consultation with a parliamentary group, Radev received BSP representatives at Dondukov 2 (the building of the presidency).
"Our position is clear. Time proves this position, it is that this government and this majority are harmful for the country. The agony in which they have dragged Bulgaria can only be ended by early elections," BSP leader Kornelia Ninova told Radev.
From the chairman of the TSP political group Toshko Yordanov, the president heard that the 49th National Assembly made no sense and it was best to go for new elections.

The TSP sees an expert government with broad parliamentary support as an option. "The expert government must have a sectoral programme and steps in time, not general talk we will fight corruption etc. we must go through elections," Toshko Yordanov is convinced.

BGNES reminds what GERB-UDF and WCC-DB said on Monday (11 March) during their consultations with Rumen Radev.
"The basis of the future governance should be shared responsibility. We need some more time to overcome the differences and conclude the negotiations", said Deputy Prime Minister and outgoing Foreign Minister Maria Gabriel after the meeting.

Outgoing Prime Minister Acad. Nikolay Denkov said that the agreement between PP-DB and GERB-UDF should lead to the implementation of the first mandate. If such an agreement is not found, we will probably go to elections, he warned after the consultations with the head of state.

As at the weekend talks, the GERB delegation was led by Deputy Prime Minister and outgoing Foreign Minister Maria Gabriel and included the negotiating team of Denitsa Sacheva, Temenuzhka Petkova and Raya Nazaryan.
After the conclusion of the talks with them, the Head of State also received the WCC-DB delegation, headed by outgoing Prime Minister Acad. Nikolay Denkov.
The main question Radev addressed to both coalitions was whether they need more time to finalize the negotiations between them and if these negotiations accidentally fail to yield results how they envision the future governance of Bulgaria.

Negotiations continue. We have common points, the talks are constructive.

This is what Deputy Prime Minister and outgoing Foreign Minister Maria Gabriel said after the consultations with President Rumen Radev.
Gabriel admitted that they also have differences with WCC-DB.
"It is important for us to work on a common text in which the proposals we have already laid out very clearly are the leading ones. It is very important to give ourselves a chance to continue these negotiations in a constructive spirit with open talks," the outgoing deputy prime minister added.

Later on Monday, Radev welcomed the delegation of the WCC-BP led by outgoing Prime Minister Acad. Nikolay Denkov, saying that they were mainly responsible for the country's governance over the past nine months, "as you agreed with your partners to officially have only one representative in the Council of Ministers". He reminded that the PP-DB had also secured the strong support of the MRF for the constitutional amendments.

Outgoing Prime Minister Acad. Denkov said that nine months ago his party had taken responsibility, realising the risk that this responsibility would cause political damage. "It was worth it. Now after nine months, after two budgets have been adopted, after changes in the Constitution, with the development of investment projects that had been stuck for years, with the unblocking of the main problems that were related to the energy transition and the provision of funding to the regions affected by this Green Transition, we can say that this effort was worth it. We suffered political damage, we suffered it not only because the opposition behaved like the opposition, but also because other political parties decided that it was easier to use a populist approach to gain popularity at the expense of the government," the outgoing prime minister said.

Acad. Denkov admitted that relations with his partners are complicated and no one expected the opposite. "For this reason, we find the act that we have put two documents on the negotiating table to be correct. Whether and how we proceed depends on what the governance agreement looks like from now on," the outgoing prime minister stressed.
Also on Monday, Radev held a meeting with representatives of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF).

The country must have stability and predictability. If the two ruling coalitions - GERB-UDF and WCC-DB, come to an understanding, there is a rotation and a next cabinet, we will continue to be a factor of stability. This is what the co-chairman of the MRF, Javdet Chakarov, and the deputy chairman of the movement's Political Group, Yordan Tsonev, told the president. /BGNES