Kyucyuk to Lindner: Europe must work for its citizens without deepening inequalities

Bulgarian MEP Ilhan Kyuchuk held a meeting with the Minister of Finance of Germany, Christian Lindner, who is also the leader of the Free Democratic Party (FDP). The two discussed economic policy aimed at sustainable growth and more jobs in the EU, helping to improve people's quality of life. The topics of Bulgaria's partial admission to Schengen and the upcoming full one, as well as the Eurozone, were the focus of the talks between the two politicians.

According to the German finance minister, in recent months Bulgaria has demonstrated significant progress on the way to integration into key European structures. Kyuchuk, for his part, thanked Lindner for the support that Germany gave to Bulgaria on its way to the Schengen area.

"On the eve of the European elections, it is extremely important to put forward our vision for tackling the main challenges facing Europeans right now. European citizens are looking for a stronger focus on core European values, and economic and social well-being. In this sense, Europe must work for its citizens without deepening inequalities. The need to return to more comprehensive economic policies that guarantee a stable and fair distribution of goods is great," said Ilhan Küciuk at the meeting.

Both agreed that the geopolitical compass would make sense if all countries looked in the same direction, regarding the common priorities and challenges facing the EU.

Ilhan Kuciuk expressed full support for the list of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) led by Marie-Agnes Zimmermann for the upcoming European elections. /BGNES