Khalilov: Tsvetan Vassilev indicated loans for 500 million BGN to KTB related to Delyan Peevski, where is the prosecutor's office

Timul Halilov recalled the words of Tsvetan Vassilev that the inspiration for the action against KTB was Delyan Peevski, and Petyo Petrov "The Euro" was the executor of this plan.

The MPs excluded from the parliamentary group of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, defining themselves as the authentic movement and supporting the honorary chairman Ahmed Dogan, are asking the prosecutor's office whether charges will be brought against Delyan Peevski and whether it will be requested to remove his immunity, reported BGNES.

"In recent days, society has witnessed a wave of prosecutorial actions and investigations. Yesterday, revelations were made related to the bankruptcy of the Corporate Commercial Bank (KTB) and the events that led to the destruction of this key financial institution. Tsvetan Vassilev revealed serious facts that raise questions not only about the country's financial stability but also about the way the law enforcement and anti-corruption bodies function. Will the prosecutor's office take action to indict Delyan Peevski and request to remove his immunity", asked non-member MP Timul Khalilov on the occasion of the banker Tsvetan Vasilev's claims, which was heard in the temporary parliamentary committee on the Notary and Pepi Euroto on Thursday.

"According to Vassilev, loans to KTB related to Delyan Peevski amount to BGN 500 million. This amount is enough to shake not only the bank, but also the entire economic and political system of Bulgaria," said Halilov and recalled the words of Tsvetan Vassilev that Delyan Peevski was the inspiration behind the action against KTB, and Petyo Petrov - Euroto is the executor of this plan.

According to the deputy, who remained loyal to Ahmed Dogan, if these statements of Tsvetan Vasilev are confirmed, a picture of purposeful actions to acquire economic assets through abuse of power and influence is revealed.

The representatives of the MRF (without Peevski and group) insist that the prosecutor's office answer the questions of whether it is permissible for loans worth BGN 500 million not to be investigated, especially when it comes to publicly significant figures like Peevski, as well as what actions it has taken or will undertake the prosecution to restore justice in the interest of the Bulgarian state and its citizens and bring the responsible persons to justice.

"Why did the Anti-Corruption Commission not react to this case, when the loans related to Peevski amount to BGN 500 million? In other cases, the commission is extremely active, which speaks of a selective approach and serving someone's addictions. The lack of reaction in this case raises doubts about double standards and a lack of will to deal with high-level corruption," noted Halilov.

Khalilov added that "Vassilev's testimony requires a clear decision regarding Peevski's role in the events surrounding KTB."

"The KTB case is not just a matter of draining a bank, it is a symbol of abuse of power, of impunity and of the consolidation of political and economic power in the hands of a few. This eats away at the fabric of our democracy and undermines citizens' trust in institutions," he added.

People's representatives loyal to Dogan from the MRF call on the acting chief prosecutor Borislav Sarafov for concrete actions to guarantee justice and recovery of the financial and moral damages caused to Bulgarian society. "Our society deserves to live in a legal European state and we await the reaction of the institutions. We call for timely action regarding the numerous signals of pressure and repression on businesses and employees in the local and central administration," Halilov concluded. | BGNES