Ilhan Küçük: Injustice with partial Schengen accession to be corrected in 2024

"In the last few days, we see the consequences of the partial decisions of the European Council - the border between Bulgaria and Romania cannot be crossed for 12-14 hours. Cars, and more precisely heavy goods vehicles, are experiencing enormous difficulties," said MEP Ilhan Kyučuk during his speech in the EP.

In his words, the acceptance of Bulgaria and Romania into the Schengen area by air and sea is a step forward, but it is not the fair conclusion and the expected result of many years of work, nor is it a fair decision for the Bulgarian and Romanian citizens.

Kuchuk expressed his indignation at the statements of some top-level Austrian politicians who described this decision as "poking the wound" and asked the question: "In which wound?" In the dignity, in the honor of those people who for years have implemented all the decisions of the European institutions", asked the MEP.

In conclusion, Ilhan Küçük called for this injustice to be corrected in 2024. To make a decision and ultimately make the rules apply to all European citizens, he concluded. /BGNES