Glavchev: The first stage of real diversification of the nuclear fuel process has been completed


The first stage of real diversification of the nuclear fuel process has been completed. This is really the beginning of the separation of Bulgaria from its almost complete dependence on Russia.

This was said by Acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev after the first 43 cartridges with an alternative type of fuel produced by the American Westinghouse were loaded at the Kozloduy NPP. For his part, the executive director of the company, Valentin Nikolov, announced that the Kozloduy NPP will terminate the contract with Russia for the supply of nuclear fuel. Available Russian fuel will be used as a reserve.

Energy security, reliable supplies and safe operation are the advantages that our country receives after a new type of nuclear fuel has already been loaded into the fifth unit of the Kozloduy NPP.

Glavchev noted that the stage of a long process is coming to an end, as the first talks with "Westinghouse" started back in 2009 and 2010. The Prime Minister defined today as a very important moment in the development of the Bulgarian nuclear energy industry, as real diversification is being achieved and breaking away from the almost complete dependence on Russia.

"It's always good to have a choice. Diversification provides us with exactly that - a choice that gives better opportunities with 100% safety and security," Glavchev also noted. In his words, the implementation of this project is another step in establishing our country as a predictable partner with a significant role in energy security in the region of Southeast Europe.

"For the first time in its fifty-year history, the Kozloduy NPP will operate with alternative fuel in fulfilment of the overall program of the government and Bulgaria's strategy for diversification and security in the nuclear energy sector", stressed the Minister of Energy Vladimir Malinov. He assured the attendees that with the construction of units 7 and 8 of the Kozloduy NPP, the state will continue to purposefully pursue its goals related to the development of nuclear energy, the production of which is emission-free, fully in line with the EU criteria for the Green Deal and affordable for consumers.

Malinov also recalled that in March of this year, the Kozloduy NPP concluded a contract with the French company Framatome to provide alternative supplies of fresh nuclear fuel and for unit 6 of the nuclear power plant.

US Ambassador to Bulgaria Kenneth Merten was also present in Kozloduy.

"Nuclear fuel diversification in Bulgaria is a first step towards diversification. The step was taken by several governments. I congratulate you on your vision. I believe that Bulgaria will become an energy hub after diversifying its fuel sources," said the diplomat. /BGNES