Eurobarometer: Two thirds of Bulgarians see more benefits than disadvantages in Schengen

This is shown by two new Eurobarometer surveys published by the European Commission /EC/, BGNES reported.

Approval of citizens and businesses in the European Union for the Schengen area is higher than in the previous survey in 2018.

63% of Europeans surveyed believe that strengthening cooperation within Schengen is a top priority for strengthening it by 2030. 83% of businesses in the bloc agree that Schengen is good for business, and 81% recognize it as one of the main achievements of the Union.

When asked about the benefits of being in the Schengen area, a third of businesses say it reduces business costs due to the lack of internal border controls.

74 percent of respondents in Bulgaria say that Schengen is useful for business in our country, as it facilitates daily travel across the border (52%), along with the benefits of facilitated trade (35%). For 74%, a space without border checks is beneficial for business. For 76% of the survey participants, Schengen first of all provides an opportunity to communicate with people from other cultures.

As for businesses in our country, 56% of them "fully agree" that the Schengen area has more advantages than disadvantages for businesses in the country as a whole. 26 percent "rather agree".

When asked whether the pros of Schengen outweigh the cons for their own businesses, 43% of respondents answered "strongly agree" and 28% "rather agree".

1,065 Bulgarians took part in the poll conducted in March. 506 are the interviewed business representatives from Bulgaria. | BGNES