Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew celebrated a funeral prayer for the beatified Patriarch Neofit of Bulgaria

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople today celebrated the Trisagion, a funeral prayer, for the souls of Patriarch Neofit of Bulgaria and Bishop Hierotheos of Efkarpi, reports BGNES.

The service was held at the Patriarchal Church of St. George in Istanbul, in the presence of the hierarchs of the See and members of the Patriarchal Court

The mortal remains of Patriarch Neofit will be laid today for veneration before the bishops in the small St. Marina Church in the courtyard of the Sofia Holy Metropolitanate. A mourning bell tolls in the centre of the capital in memory of His Holiness. A funeral prayer will be offered by all the bishops - members of the Holy Synod.

At 2 p.m. there will be a meeting of the Holy. Synod, where it will be decided when the Patriarch's funeral will be. From the early hours of the day a mourning black flag was lowered from the St. Al. Nevski".

BGNES recalls that His Holiness the Bulgarian Patriarch and Metropolitan of Sofia Neofit died yesterday evening at the age of 78. /BGNES