Deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission, Rositsa Mateva: In the runoff in 5900 sections, voting will be done by machines

In the second round, voting will take place in about 7,250 sections, in 5,900 sections voting will be done by machines.

This was stated by the spokesperson and deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission, Rositsa Mateva, in connection with the holding of the elections for municipal councilors and mayors, reported a BGNES reporter.

"We are all working so that the machine voting happens," Mateva emphasized.

"All 265 MECs handed over the protocols with the election results within the legal deadline. The data is currently being re-entered in the CEC's computing station," noted Mateva and added that according to the data of the CEC's protocols on October 29, 2,713,979 voters voted. or 44.94%.

The results of the voting in these elections are announced by the OIC, and the decisions for the elected municipal councilors are published on their Internet pages, as well as where mayors of municipalities, mayors of regions and mayors of town halls are elected. "Where they have not been elected, the names of the candidates who go to the second round and will be elected on November 5 have been published," Mateva said.

The municipal administrations should hand over on Saturday, together with the other election papers and materials, two rolls of paper for machine voting, which have been given to them and are kept with them for the first round.

91 mayors of municipalities, 451 mayors of town halls and 31 mayors of regions will be elected in the runoff. "There will be a runoff in four town halls, in which three candidates will participate, since the second and third have an equal number of votes," explained Mateva and specified that these are the town halls of Sukhozem, Dragash Voivoda, Dobrina and Vasilievo.

In the runoff, 6,380,052 voters have the right to vote. On November 5, those voters who acquired electoral rights between the first and second round, including those who turned 18 on election day, can vote and are included in the electoral rolls.

"The regional governors should hand over to the municipal administrations the voter lists for those sections for which there will be voting in the second round", pointed out Mateva and added that the voter lists also include the voters who submitted an application for voting at the current address. specifying that they cannot vote at the current address and new applications at the current address are not submitted. New applications are also not submitted for voting with removable SIC.

The spokesperson of the CEC indicated that today at 4:00 p.m. in a secure environment at the Ministry of e-Government representatives of the contractor under the public order for upgrading the software and under the control of the CEC will carry out a trusted construction of the source code of the software. "Representatives of parties and coalitions registered in the CEC are invited to participate in the event. All of them were notified yesterday about this event. After the trusted build, access to the source code and documentation of the machine voting system will be provided as required by the Election Code ", noted Mateva.

The pre-election campaign of these candidates, who will appear in the run-off, is currently underway. It should end on November 3rd at midnight. November 4 is the day for reflection, so no polling data and preliminary results should be published on pre-election day, as well as on November 5 election day.

On Sunday, the polling day will start at 7am and end at 8pm, if there are voters waiting to exercise their right to vote, the polling day will be extended to 9pm.

Mateva urged people to go and vote.

"We hope that the decision to certify compliance will be signed as soon as possible. When this will happen, however, the three institutions must answer," she said, adding that this must happen in a reasonable time so that they can the machines will be installed and transported to SIK.

Mateva is adamant that whatever depends on the CEC has been done. /BGNES