Chairman of MRF Peevski: I will not give up and I will not betray the people


"Something presented in this way, sent by a group of factionalists, raises reasonable doubts about its authenticity. 

But! Even so, what happens?" 

This is what MRF chairman Delyan Peevski wrote in response to Ahmed Dogan's letter calling on him to resign, along with five other key party figures. 

"Reminiscences of bygone times, in which groups of people, structures and personalities were wiped out "from above" with one phone call or one fax. 

Is this the apotheosis of the struggle for democracy, rights and the rule of law or an authoritarian ploy incompatible with the rule of law. 

Unfortunately, this is what is becoming a living example that Europe and the democratic world will look upon with bewilderment, to say the least. 

The assessments that have been made are untenable and the demand for resignations is devoid of any form of implementation of the MRF Charter, which is so much talked about these days. 

So what!? What will this demand lead to! At the apogee of the MRF, which we took to the second political power and the record number of deputies for all 34 years, whose will is it that wants to break this success !?? 

And who will bear the responsibility to those who voted us this trust and entrusted to us the hopes of their own lives!? Or are they again being asked to remain silent and obey the overlords who have used them for so long.  

This is unacceptable and impossible. And no, I will not give up and I will not betray the people who gave me their trust. I am not a traitor! I keep my word! 

From now on, the path is clear. My team and I are continuing with our commitments, for a better and wiser Tomorrow. We will be with the people and beside the people. 

PS. Ahmed Dogan and I know each other too well and we both know what the truth is. History will show that I was right. No one can stop the New Beginning," Peevski wrote. | BGNES