Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov: The changes in the RN Macedonia Constitution are not for Bulgaria but for the EU

"The Republic of North Macedonia must implement reforms and fulfil its commitments. These are not commitments to Bulgaria but to the European Union". This is what Prime Minister Acad. Nikolay Denkov said to BGNES Agency. 

"This is the European process with which we are trying to integrate as well as the countries of the Western Balkans, which are not members of the EU," Denkov said in response to the question of BGNES what his message to the Republic of North Macedonia is.

 "We all shared the fact that the countries need to move as quickly as possible towards the European rules, to start negotiations, but this can happen when they also make the appropriate efforts and reforms, which in the case of the Republic of North Macedonia means fulfilling its commitment from 2022. This is not a commitment to Bulgaria, as some Republic of North Macedonia politicians try to present it, this is a commitment of the Republic of North Macedonia to the EU", Prime Minister Acad. Denkov. / BGNES