Bulgarian former PM Borisov welcomed Ursula von der Leyen in Plovdiv

Bulgaria's GERB-UDF welcomed the leading EPP candidate for the European elections Ursula von der Leyen and EPP President Manfred Weber in Plovdiv, BGNES reported. 

"You have stood by Bulgaria in the most difficult times. Thank you that together with you we were an example of zero illegal migration and you were the ones who gave us 154 million euros to secure our border". This is what GERB leader and former PM Boiko Borisov said, addressing von der Leyen and Manfred Weber. 

GERB and the European People's Party will not allow extremists to destroy Europe of values, the European Commission president said. 

She greeted the Bulgarians on the occasion of Botev Day and the Day of those who died for the freedom and independence of Bulgaria and recited the words of the national hero. 

"Botev is the poet who lived and died in the name of Bulgaria's freedom and independence. Botev said that he who falls fighting for freedom does not die," von der Leyen reminded. 

She thanked Borisov and said that when she came to Bulgaria at his invitation, she was impressed by his story that in one square kilometre in Sofia there is an Orthodox church, a synagogue, a mosque and a Catholic church - a symbol of the free spirit of Bulgaria and Europe. 

"Bulgaria and Europe are a symbol of tolerance. Let's preserve this", urged the President of the European Commission and candidate for a second term. 

"Today our values are under attack from extremists, demagogues, whether far-left or far-right - from Alternative for Germany to the National Front in France, from the Confederation in Poland to Revival in Bulgaria. Their names are different, but their aims are the same - they want to stomp on our values and destroy our Europe. GERB and the European People's Party will not allow this to happen. United we can move mountains for the good of Europe", stressed von der Leyen. 

The Commission President thanked again Boiko Borisov, GERB and the Bulgarian people for their crucial support for Ukraine. 

"No one wants peace more than the people of Ukraine. They are fighting for their land, but also for our security. We must stand by them today and in the future to achieve justice and peace. All of Europe should thank Bulgaria," she said. 

Von der Leyen called for strengthening the European defence industry and pointed out that Bulgaria can play a significant role in this process.  

On migration issues, she pointed out that Europe has fulfilled its international obligations, adding: 

"We Europeans will decide who comes to the European Union and under what conditions, not the smugglers and traffickers." 

Von der Leyen outlined as a top priority for the next mandate cutting red tape by 25% and supporting Europe's farmers. 

"GERB and the EPP will always support farmers," she stressed.  

"Support leaves no doubt. Next Sunday GERB will win the parliamentary and European elections in Bulgaria. In one week, the EPP will win the European elections and will continue to be the driving force of the EU for the next five years." 

"While others only create chaos, GERB is the party of experience and stability. You, Boyko, are a true European leader with proven experience. Under your leadership, Bulgaria joined the European banking union, maintained secure borders and had incredible economic growth. You give Bulgaria a strong voice not only in the EPP but in the whole EU", Weber added. | BGNES