Bulgaria and Vietnam aim to achieve specific results in cooperation

Bulgaria and Vietnam want to develop their relations in a wider dimension with a view to the cooperation between the EU and Vietnam, the EU-ASEAN strategic partnership and the EU Strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

This became clear from the conversations between the Speaker of the National Assembly Rosen Jhelyazkov and the Speaker of the National Assembly of Vietnam Vuong Dinh Hue, reported the special envoy of BGNES in Hanoi Dimitar Ruskov.

The two started the plenary talks between the representatives of the legislative institutions of the two countries.

"For more than seven decades, Vietnam has been our trusted friend and important partner in the dynamically developing region of Southeast Asia," emphasized Rosen Zhelyazkov.

He stated that the visit of a Vietnamese delegation to Bulgaria in September and the current visit of the Bulgarian delegation to Hanoi will lead to concrete political decisions.

Zhelyazkov emphasized the possibility of developing relations at the level of regional cooperation. Sofia, Varna and Burgas already have agreements in this area with Vietnamese cities.

This year, the contractual basis will be made with work on the labor migration agreement between the two countries, which would provide a good basis for labor mobility and migration for the needs of the Bulgarian market.

"A positive role will be played by both the ratified agreements on free trade and investment protection, as well as the implementation of strategic documents, including the EU strategy for the Indo-Pacific region," Zhelyazkov also said.

According to him, the EU is ready to proceed with the implementation of specific projects with Vietnamese partners through initiatives such as the EU's Enhanced Security Cooperation in and with Asia (ESIWA) and CRIMARIO and the Global Portal.

Rosen Zhelyazkov paid special attention to the Joint Declaration, which is a foundational document of a new type of partnership and foresees a new model of economic cooperation.

"After the expansion of the political dialogue at the highest level, we have all the prerequisites for increasing trade and investment between the two countries", he also said, expressing his confidence that the establishment of a Bulgarian friendship group in the 15th National Assembly of Vietnam will created conditions for strengthening exchanges and expanding cooperation in various areas of mutual interest.

Bulgaria strives to deepen political dialogue in the fields of economy, investment, connectivity, defense and the rule of law.

The Chairman of the National Assembly pointed out that Vietnam is a first-rate partner for Bulgaria in the Asia-Pacific region and in the context of the provision of Official Development Assistance.

Already this year, the political consultations at the level of ministers of foreign affairs and the 24th meeting of the mixed commission on economic and scientific-technical cooperation, co-chaired by the ministers of economy and industry, will be held. "The sectors that have a need and potential for intensification are energy, industry, high-tech agriculture, pharmaceuticals, innovation and tourism," said the Chairman of the National Assembly Rosen Zhelyazkov.

The Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam, Vuong Dinh Hue, for his part, emphasized that Bulgaria is a priority partner in the EU for his country.

"In the face of Bulgaria, Vietnam sees a friend and partner who can help it expand its presence in the Balkans and in the EU. We strongly wish for the strengthening of relations between the two countries and their expansion in the spheres of economy, trade, science and education," he said he.

The meeting between the two presidents also discussed the sphere of defense and military-technical cooperation, all the opportunities that Bulgaria and the military-industrial complex provide.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed today to establish friendly cooperative relations between the Vietnamese city of Lai Chau and Kazanlak. On the Bulgarian side, Galina Stoyanova, the mayor of the municipality of Kazanlak, signed it.

Lai Chau City and Kazanlak Municipality are expected to develop annual cooperation plans to be approved for each year after discussing the achievements of the past year and approving a plan of activities for the following year.

Investment promotion, information exchange, training support, technology transfer, cooperation in the field of tourism, culture, vocational training and science are indicated as priority areas for interaction in the memorandum.

Meetings of the Speaker of the National Assembly Rosen Zhelyazkov with the President of Vietnam Vo Van Thong and with the Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Pham Minh Chin are coming up. /BGNES