BSP Leader Ninova: The Bulgarian Socialist Party is the only alternative, it does not participate in "loose political fits"and talks behind the scenes

"The choice who will govern our municipalities continues on Sunday. Support our candidates - they are smart, prepared, organized, disciplined and caring people".

This was stated by Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) leader Korneliya Ninova in a video uploaded to her official Facebook page.

"Before these elections, there were gloomy predictions about how the BSP is disappearing, that BSP is dying, the results completely dispel these predictions. We started from the fifth political force, and today we are the second in number of elected mayors in the first round - 44, and we are going to 45 runoffs, at least half of which I think we will win. Today, we are the third political force in terms of the number of elected municipal councilors, and we are one of the two who only increased their results in these elections - we - by 50 thousand votes," noted Ninova.

She emphasized that all this is due to the voters and the BSP candidates. "We owe it to you, the people who supported us and believed that all these years we did not betray you. We do not betray the people we walk with. We did not sell you your interests for our own, and here is the result. Let us continue together on Sunday and in the next 4 years, because on Sunday we choose the governance of the next 4 years, the most stable, the one that is closest to you," said the leader of the left.

Ninova urged voters to vote without fear. "Don't sell your vote. BGN 100 will not solve your problems, we will solve them together in the coming years, because we have a lot of work to do. We must continue the dismantling of feudal communes, of dependencies, of theft and of mismanagement," she added.

Ninova is adamant that the BSP remained the only alternative that during these years "did not enter into such dependencies, did not participate in assemblies and collusions behind the curtains". “And thank you for appreciating this in the first round of local elections. I believe you will on Sunday as well," she added.

The leader of the left wishes success to the BSP candidates who will come second in the local elections, and to the voters health, strength and courage "to continue the real change together". "Support us and we will return your support tenfold today," Ninova concluded. /BGNES