Boyko Borisov: The government loose fit is currently non-existent

Long before the elections for Sofia, we proposed to 'We Continue the Change" and "Democratic Bulgaria" to nominate a candidate other than the one kin to the Communist State Security, and GERB not to nominate a candidate. I told Kiril Petkov, "Run yourself and we will not nominate a candidate. Ivan Kostov himself some time ago uttered a phrase that will remain in history: "I will vote, but with disgust." What do they want more, what is this now - GERB supported Putin's man, what a nonsense?!"

This is what GERB leader Boyko Borisov said in Lovech today, commenting on the local vote and the upcoming runoff on Sunday, BGNES reported.

"How could GERB be guilty of the fact that their deputy minister goes and pilfers, goes and takes pictures with his phone in violation of their order (Editor's note: for the voting machines). They also want to put it on us", said Borisov.

"They'd better mind their language. If you ask me, the government loose fit is currently non-existent", warned Boyko Borisov.

"They themselves blame the interior minister, I hear that he has security guards because he was scared by their own MPs. With their pro-Russian parties, they defend "Lukoil" with all their means, and gasoline already costs BGN 3. It will turn out that, without derogation, the countries have cheaper oil", the leader of GERB went on.

"They forget that we should be in the National Assembly on Wednesday, and with this unprincipled behavior against GERB, I don't know how we will work. We are yet to watch the show. At least now I know in which parties their buddies are, and how they hang out in villas and pubs with them".

"Maybe on Wednesday we will hold a national meeting of GERB to see if we can continue to work together", Borisov said, noting that the members and supporters of his party throughout the country are raging.

"I will not support their budget either. After Sunday, enjoy the game!", concluded Borisov. /BGNES