Borisov: I also dream of a Bulgaria where there are no cash flows

I voted not to take a lev from each diesel and gasoline, not to pay 30% to middlemen, not to keep smuggling going, and not to give Ninova and Asen Vassilev the opportunity to follow the cash flows.

The formula of the cash flows is We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria (WCC-DB), Vazrazhdane political party and the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), after Asen Vasilev says that these flows go to Ninova. I dream of a Bulgaria where there are no cash flows. This was stated by the leader of GERB, Boyko Borisov, BGNES reported.

I voted to stop this cash in the last 4 years, to start fulfilling our promises that "Hemus", "Struma"(highways - editor's note, and Tarnovo-Ruse will continue, this is what people expect. Of course, something stable so that Bulgaria can return to the place where it was and its voice can be heard, Borisov is categorical.

The European elections are extremely important, next month the stable countries will have a vote and will have the opportunity to participate for the EP, European Council, and foreign minister, it is ugly for an acting prime minister to go and participate because he has no support, whoever he is.

It is important that Bulgarians vote today, that there is legitimacy. From the spells from the morning, it became clear that we can only do it with Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF), WCC-DB can only do it with Vazrazhdane and BSP, Vazrazhdane says either we or no one, so there is no math in this case, Borisov pointed out. The results of the elections matter, I agree with Hristo Ivanov. Until the final result of the Central Election Commission (CEC) comes out, GERB will not make any statements, said Borisov. | BGNES