Borisov: Glavchev and Radev are responsible if they choose someone other than Mitov for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

I have no expectations from the president's meeting with Glavchev, I didn't even know about it. They bear full responsibility if they choose someone other than Mitov as foreign minister.

This was stated by GERB leader Boyko Borisov on the sidelines of the parliament, BGNES reported.

Borisov commented that he will support all the commissions that are being created:

"For gas hub "Balkan", "Lukoil", "Botash" at an extraordinary meeting".

Borissov emphasized that it is the job of the parliament to raise the salaries in the army, and today they are doing it.

"Next week we have to finish the energy problems related to the Mariska Basin and that's what we will do," he clarified.

According to him, the reason Bulgaria is not in the Eurozone is the last 3 years, in which GERB has not been in power. /BGNES