Boiko Borisov: President Radev made whole governments out of parties

I cannot understand Radev. I don't care who will be foreign minister. If Radev wants bright communist faces to continue to rule, fine. Nothing happens by force. He made whole governments out of parties - Kornelia Ninova was deputy prime minister, Stefan Yanev.

This is what GERB leader Boiko Borisov commented during his visit to Tutrakan today. His comment comes in connection with the proposals for reshuffles in the executive branch, made by interim Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev. The first proposal is Daniel Mitov to head the Foreign Ministry - a post for which Mitov has received Borisov's full support, a BGNES reporter reported.

Why Radev did not ask why Vatev would stay, why Tsokov would stay, why Gvozdeikov would stay, suddenly foreign policy interests him, Borisov asked.

Daniel Mitov is a bridge between the parties, Borisov said and continued. Let the current minister stay," the GERB leader said.

He addressed the head of state by recalling a recording of a party meeting of the WCC-DB.

"The President should remember the 'ala-bala with the President'... I beat them with Minister Rashkov for three years. I want this minister (Stefan Dimitrov - editor's note) to stay and Radev to take responsibility for all the failures of the last three years, for the failures of the caretaker cabinets," Borisov insisted.

The leader of GERB said that his group could no longer support something proposed by WCC-DB.

He said a vote of no confidence in a caretaker government was ridiculous. /BGNES