AmCham: Bulgaria needs responsible statesmanship

The American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (AmCham) called for responsible statesmanship and urgent actions for the benefit of our society and the future of Bulgaria. This appeal is contained in an open letter to the political elite, BGNES reported.

BGNES Agency publishes the full text of the letter:

"Dear MPs and political leaders,

With this letter, we appeal to you for responsible statesmanship and urgent actions for the benefit of our society and the future of Bulgaria. At this critical moment for our country, the responsibility for making the right decisions lies in the hands of all of you who represent the will of the people.

Bulgaria is part of the European Union and NATO - organizations that uphold the principles of democracy, the rule of law and human rights. In this context, the future of our country is inextricably linked to these values ​​and our continued commitment to them.

We call for political consensus on the following topics:

1. The principles of democracy and the rule of law:

It is necessary to strengthen the rule of law, guaranteeing the independence of the judicial system and the effectiveness of institutions.

Efforts must be made to reduce corruption and to increase transparency and efficiency in state management.

2. Human rights and freedoms:

The protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of every citizen, including of life, property, initiative and choice, must be foremost in every decision of the National Assembly and the executive.

The safety and well-being of all social groups must be a priority.

3. Economic development and social justice:

It is time to focus on creating a sustainable economy based on science, and innovation, which provides stability and prosperity and which is even better integrated in the Transatlantic economy and competitive in the global market.

We are making targeted efforts for Bulgaria's accession to the Eurozone in 2025, as well as full accession to the Schengen area.

Social justice and equal opportunities for all citizens should be the main goals of any policy.

We call on all political parties and leaders for dialogue, constructiveness and setting clear goals when forming a government. Business expects stability and predictability, and this can only be achieved through joint effort and compromise.

Dear Members of Parliament, the fate of Bulgaria is in your hands. We urge you to be responsible and wise to ensure a better future for our children and for all generations to come," AmCham's letter said. | BGNES