Alpha Research: 60% of Bulgarians retain their categorical support for our membership in the EU

The European affiliation of our country is not in doubt. About 60% of Bulgarians maintain their categorical support for Bulgaria's membership in the European Union and are not looking for another geopolitical alternative. This is shown by the data of a survey by the "Alpha Research" agency. At the beginning of March, when the negotiations on the fate of the rotating cabinet entered a fateful phase, and the dilemma of "Gabriel government or new elections" still has an unclear end, Alpha Research conducted its first survey on public attitudes towards the main policies of the European Union, the intentions on voting for the European Parliament and potential electoral attitudes.

At the same time, however, both due to the failure of Bulgaria to approach the core of EU countries in terms of living standards and equality before the law, and due to the series of crises in Europe in the last decade, scepticism towards the way of governing the Union and its specific policies is growing with faster pace. 12% of adult Bulgarians state that they fully approve of the way the EU is managed to date, 42% - only somewhat, and 39% - are dissatisfied.

For example, the survey registered the most positive attitude towards the possibility of Bulgarians turning to the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in case of violation of their rights (84%). Next comes satisfaction with labour migration opportunities, i.e. for work in EU member states (81%) and the planned construction of a common European security system (68%).

The expansion of the Eurozone and the Schengen area (53%) and the influence of European funds on the development of Bulgaria (51%) are also evaluated predominantly positively, yet they also meet with a higher share of negative opinions - about 30 per cent each. /BGNES