Vucic to Dodik: "Serbia will always support Republika Srpska"

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that he had a friendly conversation with the President of the Republic of Serbia Milorad Dodik, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Nenad Stevandic and the Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Vladimir Orlić.

"Serbia will always be with Republika Srpska, I believe that Republika Srpska will also be with Serbia!", Vucic wrote on his Instagram profile. He also published a video with Dodik, Stevandic and Orlich.

BGNES reminds that Dodik and Stevandic are on the US "black list" for obstructing the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, separatist actions, corruption for personal gain, etc.

Dodik, who maintains close ties with Moscow and Aleksandar Vucic, openly states that he wants to separate the Bosnian Serb territories from the rest of Bosnia and join them with neighbouring Serbia.

The European Union and Germany stopped funding projects in Republika Srpska because of his politics, but Dodik said he would turn to other countries such as China for investment.

He also threatened to "deport" the former minister of the German government and interior representative of the international community in BiH, Christian Schmid. /BGNES