Vucic expects 'stab in the back' at UN General Assembly

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said some countries would stick "an unexpected knife in Serbia's back" by voting in favour of the Srebrenica genocide resolution at the UN.

"They will be silent all the time and in the end they will side with the big and powerful. There will be those who will resist the pressure and show that they are ready to fight for the truth and oppose strange principles," Vucic said in New York, as quoted by the Danas newspaper.

The UN is expected to vote on the resolution on the 23rd of this month. In July 1995 in the Bosnian enclave of Srebrenica, Serb forces commanded by General Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic massacred more than 9,000 people in just a few days. The bodies of more than 8000 of them have been found to this day. They are buried in the area of Potocari near Srebrenica.

The President condemned the co-sponsor of the resolution, Germany.

"After the First and Second World War, if Germany sues us... I will answer them. What will happen when we raise the issue of German crimes on the Eastern Front? Serbia is defending her freedom here. We stood before the most powerful forces and we will answer bravely and honestly," he said.

Vucic believes that Montenegro's support for the resolution is "on someone's orders". /BGNES