VMRO-DPMNE: Brussels can, but does not want to, force Bulgaria for Macedonia's EU membership

VMRO-DPMNE deputy chairman Alexander Nikoloski called on the European Union to "force" Bulgaria to "let go" of North Macedonia, BGNES reported.

Nikoloski called Bulgaria "the weakest country in the EU" and said the future Macedonian government would not accept "constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictates".

"If the EU thinks Macedonia should negotiate and become a member, there are many mechanisms it can use to force Bulgaria to withdraw the veto. The problem with Bulgaria can be solved in one morning or one afternoon. We do not have a problem with the strongest, but with the weakest country, or the second weakest EU Member State. If (the EU) thinks that we should not negotiate, then we will not negotiate and will develop the country independently. They don't want enlargement and that's why they don't decide it," the future transport minister said in an interview with Channel 5.

"Bulgaria must fulfil its obligations to the European Court of Human Rights and implement the verdicts. We must have a guarantee that there will be no more vetoes," Nikoloski added.

"The best guarantee that there will be no veto is that, even if a step is taken towards Bulgaria, it should come into force after the negotiations with the European Union have been concluded and not be tied to their start. We will not make constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictates", the Macedonian politician added.