USA: Milorad Dodik embraces Putin and blocks Bosnia and Herzegovina's European integration

Milorad Dodik claims that he is “ready for the EU,” but his embrace of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, his anti-Dayton rhetoric and actions, and his attacks on the state-level institutions necessary to navigate Bosnia and Herzegovina’s journey to Euro-Atlantic integration belie Mr. Dodik’s claim.

This is what the American Embassy in Sarajevo said in a statement, BGNES reported.

Bosnia and Herzegovina's integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions requires the collective efforts of all political stakeholders.  Instead of engaging in good faith negotiations with his coalition governing partners, Mr. Dodik continues to practice a policy of blockade and blackmail while seeking to blame others for a lack of progress.   The 1+3 conditions laid out by the European Union are clear and easy to understand.  The standards required to meet them are straightforward and simple.  The question for Mr. Dodik is whether he is prepared to do the work necessary to fulfill these conditions, work that could and should have been completed months ago.  Thus far, the answer is “no.”   Mr. Dodik’s ultimatums do not constitute good faith engagement with his coalition partners, and they do not reflect a genuine commitment to the EU.  The principal roadblock to a European future for BiH is Mr. Dodik and his destructive politics.  He now wants to escape accountability for his actions, but if BiH does not take another step forward in March, it is clear where the blame will lie:  with Mr. Dodik.