Turkish President Erdogan and his wife voted in Yusküdar

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and First Lady Emine Erdogan voted in the country's municipal elections today.

President Erdogan and the first lady of Turkey went to the polling station at Saffet Çebi Primary School in Istanbul's Yusküdar district at 1:15 pm local time.

President Erdoğan was welcomed at the polling station by Yusküdar Municipality Chief Hilmi Ekmen, the chairman of the Istanbul branch of the ruling Justice and Development Party Osman Nuri Kabaktepe and other officials.

The head of state and his wife cast the ballot in ballot box No. 3308.

After shaking hands with the representatives of the polling station, President Erdoğan and First Lady Emine Erdoğan handed over their identity cards to carry out the necessary checks.

The Turkish president was greeted by many citizens gathered in front of the school.

The country is electing a local government today. A total of 61,441,882 voters will vote in 206,845 polling stations in Turkey. 34 political parties participate in the elections.

Polling stations in the provinces of Adyaman, Agra, Artvin, Bingol, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Hakkari, Kars, Malatya, Kahramanmaraş, Mardin, Mush, Ordu, Rize, Siirt, Sivas, Trabzon, Tunceli, Şanlıurfa, Van, Bayburt, Batman, Şirnak, Ardahan, Igdir and Kilis opened at 07:00 and will close at 16:00 local time.

In the rest of Turkey's provinces, polling stations opened at 08:00 and will close at 17:00 local time, after which the counting of votes will begin. /BGNES