Turkey provides help to the the fire disaster experienced by Bulgaria

The Republic of Türkiye, in coordination with the Governorships of Edirne and Kırklareli located on the Bulgarian border, and the Turkish Embassy in Bulgaria, continue their efforts to provide aid and support in response to the fire disaster experienced by Bulgaria.

Within this framework, a total of 40 personnel, 3 pick-up trucks, 4 water tenders, 2 fire trucks, 2 graders, 1 bulldozer, 1 loader, 1 tractor, and 1 passenger vehicle have been sent to Bulgaria by the Governorship of Kırklareli, totaling 15 vehicles.

It is planned that additional vehicles and a helicopter will reach Bulgaria on July 18. In addition to the helicopter on standby in Edirne, efforts are being made to arrange additional helicopters and airplanes.

This is said in a statement, also made available by the Turkish Embassy in Bulgaria. 

"As Türkiye, we do not leave our neighbor Bulgaria alone in these difficult days and provide all necessary support.

As a requirement of our neighborly and friendly relations, we would like to express that we stand by the Bulgarian people and will continue to provide them with the necessary support. We hope that these difficult days will be over as soon as possible.", reads the statement. |BGNES