Tsipras and Zaev Foundations are organizing an International Peace Conference in Athens

On the initiative of the Alexis Tsipras Institute and the Zoran Zaev Foundation, an International Conference on Peace and Sustainable Development will be held in Athens on June 17 and 18, Kathimerini reported.

The official program is expected to be announced in the coming days.
The guests will be prime ministers, European commissioners and senior civil servants, former prime ministers, presidents and foreign ministers, heads of institutes and think tanks.
The presence at the meeting of representatives of the left and the centre-left-Eurosocialist space will be particularly important.

The participants in the meeting will discuss the emerging problems and efforts for peace in the Balkan region.

The Prespa Peace Prize will be awarded within the framework of the conference. The first award this year will be presented to UN Special Envoy Matthew Nimitz.

The conference will be attended by current and former government and European officials, such as the former Prime Minister of North Macedonia and co-organizer through his foundation Zoran Zaev, the former President of France Francois Hollande, the Chairman of the Eurosocialists and former Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löhven, the Economy Commissioner and former Prime Minister of Italy the Socialist Paolo Gentiloni, the Budget Commissioner the Conservative Johannes Hahn and the Vice-President of the Commission in charge of Green Development the Socialist Marosh Sefcovic, the Palestinian Foreign Minister for 17 years and Mahmoud Abbas's special envoy Riyad al-Maliki, the former president of the European Parliament and current chairman of the Friedrich Ebert Institute, the social democrat Martin Schulz, the former foreign minister of Greece Nikos Kodzias, the former minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Dimitrov. | BGNES