The US expects North Macedonia to continue reforms on the way to the EU

The US expects North Macedonia to continue the path of reforms. Washington supports Skopje's bid for European Union membership.
This became clear at the meeting between Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski and James O'Brien, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US State Department. The two are participating in the World Economic Forum in Davos.
"At the meeting, the current situation related to the European integration of North Macedonia, the reform process, as well as the political situation in our country and in the region were discussed. The support of the USA for the European aspirations of North Macedonia was confirmed and the expectation from official Washington that the country was expressed continued the path to full membership in the European Union," the Macedonian presidency said in a press release. /BGNES
Pendarovski also met today in Davos with the European Union's special representative for the Western Balkans and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. At the meeting, opinions were exchanged on the current development and the main regional challenges, on the expectations from the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and on the importance of enhanced regional cooperation as one of the key prerequisites for sustainable peace, stability and prosperity in the Balkans.
Regarding North Macedonia's prospects, the two interlocutors emphasized the need for a responsible approach by all political entities in order to ensure the full implementation of the reform processes and the preservation of the European course of the state. /BGNES