The Serbian opposition reached an agreement on joint participation in the upcoming elections

An agreement was reached on the joint appearance of the opposition, gathered around "Serbia against violence" in the upcoming elections on December 17. This was officially announced today at a press conference in Belgrade, in front of the entrance to the National Assembly, "N1" reported.

The incumbents on the lists in the republican elections will be Miroslav Aleksic and Marinika Tepic, while the first on the list will be Radomir Lazovic, and in the elections in Belgrade the holders will be Dobrica Veselinovic and Vladimir Obradovic, who will also be a candidate for mayor, and the first on the list will be be Mila Popovich. The winners of the lists for the provincial elections will be announced later in Novi Sad.

"The Party of Freedom and Justice, the People's Movement of Serbia, the Green Left Front, the Heart, the Ecological Uprising, the Democratic Party, the Movement of Free Citizens and the Together Party agreed to participate in the elections on the basis of good cooperation in the parliament, the joint protest organization "Serbia against violence" and many other actions that these organizations have jointly and individually implemented to make Serbia a good place for all our citizens to live," the formations' joint statement said.

Earlier, these organizations signed a "Victory Agreement", that is, an agreement based on a survey to decide whether one or more columns of the pro-European opposition will go to the polls.

"All the research we've seen so far tells us there's great synergy from joint action, and that's why we've decided to go to the polls together and win!" the statement added. "We do not hide our differences, but we consider them an advantage and a strength that shows our willingness to agree, respect and find common solutions in the interest of the citizens of Serbia."

"We sought these elections and fought for them to fulfill the demands of the Serbia Against Violence protest as a first step, and this is something we promise to all those people who are participating or have participated in protests throughout Serbia and immediately after that we want to organize our society so that people can live well on their wages, that we are not afraid to send our children to school, that we feel safe and secure."

"We want to arrange Serbia so that it is not ruled by people connected to organized crime, the air we breathe or the food we eat is not poisoned, we want to invest in education, create opportunities for young people, and not to leave us in search of a better life; we want someone to treat us when we get sick. We want a Serbia that is not occupied by violence, but a country of happy and free people. We have the knowledge, we have a great desire, and now we also want the support of citizens to make all this happen, and the right opportunity for that is the elections."

The opposition invites all citizens to register on the sites of our organizations, which they trust most to monitor the elections, as well as to help in the campaign, because it "will undoubtedly be held in unequal conditions and we all have to contribute for electoral victory."

The association also invited all members of the public, experts, students, civil organizations, activists to help in their own way in the general campaign of "Serbia against violence". /BGNES