The opposition: Today half of Serbia will hear that Vučić stole the elections

The main goal of the opposition at today's constituent session of the Assembly of Serbia is for the citizens of Serbia to hear about the theft that the regime of Aleksandar Vučić committed in the December elections, the "Serbia Against Violence" coalition said in an interview with Danas.

"Nothing special will happen today in the Serbian parliament, we will use the opportunity, to tell the truth, so that everyone will hear us so that half of Serbia will hear us that Aleksandar Vucic stole the elections," said the coalition "Serbia Against Violence".

"Other than that, nothing much will happen."

The constituent session of Serbia's Assembly, which the Aleksandar Vucic regime scheduled for today, a month and a half after the December elections, was marked by a revolt by the opposition, united in the "Serbia Against Violence" coalition, not only over the theft of the election but also the selection of the meeting date.

They claim that Aleksandar Vucic rushed the constituent session because he was afraid of the resolution on electoral irregularities in the European Parliament, which will be adopted on Thursday, February 8.

From this resolution, it is expected that the European Parliament, whose representatives were among the observers of the elections in Serbia, will demand an international investigation, i.e. a repeat of the elections, first in Belgrade, but under changed conditions of holding. /BGNES