The opposition organized a multi-thousand rally "Serbia against violence" in Belgrade

Representatives of the "Serbia Against Violence" coalition spoke at the final election meeting in front of thousands of people in Belgrade's Republic Square. They declared that "change has begun - change for the better" and urged citizens to go to the polls on December 17 without fear.

The leader of the list of the opposition party "Serbia Against Violence" Marinika Tepic said that on Sunday "it will be decided whether injustice is all around us or justice will be quick and achievable".

"Vote without fear and without agreeing to the propaganda that they are indispensable. And because they are the way they are, they are furious, full of anger and increasingly aggressive. It is possible, dear friends! It should be possible. Because there is no other solution. In five days we will choose whether this evil will rule for another four years or just a few more days,” she said. Miroslav Aleksic, second in the list of "Serbia Against Violence" in the parliamentary elections, said: "Enough of shackles."

"On December 17, we throw them out. For a better and normal life, for the safety and security of our children, for salaries and pensions worthy of a normal life, for satisfied farmers, for a country without corruption and crime, for a country of justice and freedom , for a country where executioners will not hunt down single mothers while the godfathers and the chief's friends flaunt yachts, multi-hundred thousand euro cars or expensive mansions. For a country where people will go to jail for theft and violence." Alexic added.

Another opposition leader - Radomir Lazovic said that the Serbian people are being deliberately led in the wrong direction by people who are concerned and dedicated only to their own benefit and profit.

"These revenues have nowhere to come but from the pockets of the citizens. Today, Serbia only looks like a country, but it is not. Serbia is a prey around which they are gathered to plunder and dismember. Serbia has courts, but they serve to protect the privileged and prosecute those who resent them. Serbia has rivers and natural resources, but it turns out that they serve us to pour sewage into them and build landfills," Lazovic told the crowd at Republic Square.

The citizens were also addressed by Vladimir Obradović, a candidate for mayor of Belgrade on behalf of the list "Serbia Against Violence", who said that the citizens of Belgrade are facing decisive elections, ones in which citizens will not only choose parties, but also what kind of city do they want to live in? "Sapic's time has passed. He thinks he is above the law and the will of the citizens. He surrounded himself with those accused of corruption. He behaves brutally towards his fellow citizens, the media and the budget of Belgrade. Worst of all, he was not with the citizens when this city was experiencing its greatest tragedy. This is unforgivable. That's why he has to go. A coalition with Sesel won't help him either," said Obradovic./BGNES