The leader of Serbs in North Macedonia: the Srebrenica massacre is "Disneyland"

The leader of the Democratic Party of Serbs (DPS) in North Macedonia, Ivan Stoilkovic, called the massacre in Srebrenica - the largest on the European continent after the Second World War (WW2) - a "necrophilic Disneyland", reported the BGNES correspondent from Skopje.

In the summer of 1995, in the protected enclave of Srebrenica, Bosnian Serb forces commanded by Radko Mladic massacred over 9,000 Bosnian Muslims in hours. So far, the bodies of nearly 8,800 of them have been identified and are buried in Potocari near Srebrenica.

"Tomorrow you will read and hear that Macedonia is a co-sponsor of the Srebrenica Resolution (at the UN). Ali Ahmeti, Bujar Osmani, Talat Jaferi and Artan Grubi raised the level of hostility towards Serbia and the Serbian people to the highest level, against the will of the Macedonian people. This shows how low Macedonia and its statehood have fallen...devastating, isn't it?" Stoilkovic wrote on his official Facebook profile.

In another post, he said: "Breaking news, North Macedonia co-sponsors anti-Serb resolution on Srebrenica."

The BGNES correspondent recalls that Ivan Stoilkovic is an advocate of Russian-Serbian interests in North Macedonia and the Balkans, a coalition partner of VMRO-DPMNE. At his party meetings, he uses Serbian, not Macedonian, state symbols. According to him, "without Serbia, Macedonia has no future". He openly supports Russian aggression against Ukraine and the Greater Serbian project "Serbian World", which aims to subjugate neighboring countries under Belgrade's rule and redraw borders in the region.

Stoilkovic, along with presidential candidate Stevco Jakimovski, welcome every visiting Russian politician in Belgrade, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

On July 20, 2017, Jakimovsky and Stoilkovich were received in Moscow by Deputy Secretary of Putin's United Russia party, Sergei Zheleznyak. Stoilkovic and Zheleznyak complained "about the attempts to make Macedonia a NATO protectorate against the will of the vast majority of the people, to change the identity, name and Constitution of North Macedonia". Ivan Stoilkovic explained that his visit to Moscow was aimed at "strengthening spiritual ties between Russia and Macedonia, as well as political, economic and cultural ties" between the two countries.

In the tragic summer of 1995, the current Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, was the minister of information in the cabinet of dictator Slobodan Milosevic. In front of the parliament in Belgrade, Vucic declared that "for every Serb killed, there will be 100 Bosnians." The genocide in Srebrenica was confirmed by the verdict of the International Court in The Hague.

So far, there has been no reaction to Stoilkovic's statement - neither from VMRO-DPMNE nor from the ruling party - Social Democratic Union /SDSM/. /BGNES