The EPP manifesto: Priority on foreign affairs and defence, migration and agriculture

The European People's Party (EPP) has revealed its priorities for the next European parliamentary term, while Ursula von der Leyen is expected to be nominated as the party's candidate for a second term at the head of the European Commission in June's elections.

The EPP manifesto, adopted today at the Bucharest congress, includes a long list of new proposals - with a special emphasis on foreign affairs and defence, which will take center stage in the election campaign, along with migration and agriculture, the EU Observer reported.

Among the proposed plans is the transfer of asylum seekers to third countries.

GERB leader Boyko Borisov and future Prime Minister Maria Gabriel are on a two-day visit to the Romanian capital, where the congress is taking place. There are over 2,000 delegates from 44 countries.

"Optimism, vision, values. This is what the EPP offers to the people of Europe in this year's European elections," EPP chairman Manfred Weber wrote in X after the manifesto vote.

He previously expressed his full support for Bulgaria and Romania to drop Schengen land borders, saying that all Austrian parties must be convinced of this decision.

The group, which unites Europe's Christian Democratic and Conservative parties, is expected to remain the largest political group in the European Parliament.

The EPP describes itself as a pragmatic center on immigration, saying voters fear the "disappearance of their nation and cultural identity" due to immigration and an 18% jump in asylum applications in 2023.

The EU's biggest political group said it would strengthen the border agency Frontex by tripling its workforce and increasing its powers and budget.

The manifesto mimics the Sunak-led UK government's "Rwanda" plan to deport asylum seekers to "safe third countries" where, if their applications are successful, they will stay, with the EU accepting an annual quota on its territory. Asylum seekers from Ukraine will not be subject to such quotas.

Italy recently approved a similar deal with Albania to process asylum bids on Albanian soil before successful applicants are granted entry into Italy.

The agreement was welcomed by Ursula von der Leyen, who is a strong favorite to be re-elected president of the European Commission.

The EPP said it would back the Green Deal by prioritizing "made in Europe" technology to boost competitiveness against the US and China and give more financial support to farmers, fishermen and SMEs to adapt to the transition.

Von der Leyen has vowed to make defense the focus of his second term in a bid to reverse the impact of decades of defense cuts as war returns to European soil. The EPP is now calling for a European commissioner dedicated to security and defence, a mandate for member states to prioritize European purchases of military equipment and new restrictions on arms exports.

The manifesto calls for more EU defense funding under the bloc's long-term budget, the Multiannual Financial Framework. These measures should eventually lead to a "Single Defense Market", the EPP say.

The EPP manifesto, adopted today at the Bucharest Congress, further sets out a specific provision aimed at regional cohesion for a Europe that "raises the standard of living in every region" with a clear commitment to improve subsidiarity checks by assessing the territorial impact of all new legislation of the EU.

Tomorrow, EC President Von der Leyen is expected to head the party list in the race for a second term. /BGNES