Serbian war criminal Šešelj wants Bulgaria to "liberate" itself from NATO

Serbian war criminal and chairman of the Serbian Radical Party Vojislav Šešelj hopes that "Bulgaria and Romania will free themselves from the shackles of NATO" and "embrace their Slav brothers" (Serbs), BGNES reported.

"All of Bulgaria is liberated from Russia. Bulgaria would not exist today if the Russian army had not died for it. Of all the Balkan countries, only Serbia liberated itself mostly with its own forces. We also had a lot of Russian help. In both Serbo-Turkish wars there were tens of thousands of Russian volunteers," Šešelj told Happy TV, which is close to the regime in Belgrade.

He wished the Bulgarians and Romanians "to survive".

"I would like the Serbs to renew their friendship with the Bulgarians and forget the world wars in which the Bulgarians were on the opposite side," the Serbian politician said.

BGNES reminds that Šešelj is one of the main ideologues of the modern idea of "Greater Serbia". He was a former mentor and even boss of Aleksandar Vucic when the latter was a member of the Serbian Radical Party and minister of information under the rule of war criminal and dictator Slobodan Milosevic. The Radical Party and Vucic's Serbian Progressive Party even ran on joint lists in Serbia's recent local elections.

Šešelj was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Hague Criminal Tribunal in 2018, but did not serve his sentence as he spent over 11 years in The Hague during the trial.

He was responsible for the murder and extermination of civilians in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina during the wars in the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. | BGNES