Serbian President Vucic as Stalin: 48 television stations broadcast his speech for two hours

48 television channels last night broadcasted the speech of President Aleksandar Vucic dedicated to the plan "Serbia 2027 - a leap into the future", reported the correspondent of BGNES in Belgrade.
The director of the Bureau of Public Analysis /BIROD/ Zoran Gavrilovic announced that Vucic's speech was broadcast live by 48 national and cable TV stations for two hours. This figure is not final because numerous regional and local television stations have stopped their programs on the fly to include Vucic live.
University professor Jokica Jovanovic believes that what is happening in Serbia is reminiscent of the times of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. "This is similar to what happened in the former USSR, during Stalin's time, when all the stations broadcast from Moscow. These are not televisions. These are megaphones that spread the government's propaganda...they differ from Stalin's time only in the makeup presenters or the ties of the speakers. However, all of them are unclear that if they had not broadcast the speech, they could have been shut down in just 48 minutes. There is nothing surprising here. It is about an autocratic regime and the collective psychosis that is being reproduced," Jovanovic also said , who is a famous sociologist.
According to him, the autocracy in Belgrade "uses terms like 'plan' in an amateurish way."
"In the "Marshall" plan, the USA participated with its money in the reconstruction and construction of Europe after the war, and in "our" plan, for example, China participated with its money, which takes part of our territory, from our ports, when we cannot return the debt you are," emphasized the professor. /BGNES