Serbian policemen are patrolling in Ohrid at the behest of Mickoski

Serbian police patrols operate in Ohrid, BGNES reported.

The joint Serbian-Macedonian patrols were agreed in July in Belgrade between the interior ministers of North Macedonia and Serbia, Panče Toškovski and Ivica Dacic.

The Serbian minister then emphasized that the practice, which is applied for the first time between Belgrade and Skopje, is of "mutual interest".

"We have this type of cooperation with Croatia and Montenegro, we wanted to implement the same with Bosnia and Herzegovina, but everything is politicized. We understood that we would do this with North Macedonia," said Dacic on July 26.

Toshkovski, part of Hristijan Mickoski's office, indicated that the Macedonian and Serbian MIA will work together on two training centres for "exchange of experience and knowledge".

"We have strong police cooperation as two neighbouring countries, but we want to improve it so that we can cooperate even better at the level of police services. It is extremely important for us to work together against criminal groups to tackle organized and transnational crime that we have here," said the Macedonian interior minister. | BGNES