Serbian opposition leaders go on hunger strike

The leaders of the "Serbia Against Violence" coalition lists, Marinika Tepic and Miroslav Aleksic, will start a hunger strike tonight until the elections in Belgrade are closed, Tepic announced to the Republican Electoral Commission (RIC).
"There is no way anyone here will recognize the elections in Belgrade." We have evidence and we demand that the elections be annulled," she emphasized.
"We cannot recognize the elections because they are against the law," Tepich said.
The "Serbia Against Violence" coalition, which disputes the results of the elections in Belgrade, organized a protest and demanded their annulment.
"We want the RIC and the City Election Commission to annul the elections in Belgrade due to fraud and irregularities in the results, due to violation of the electoral will of the citizens of Belgrade. We will take away all the evidence and materials that we collected yesterday and which unequivocally show that the result, achieved by the Serbian Progressive Party in Belgrade was achieved thanks to people who were brought to vote in Belgrade even if they did not live there. We have a situation where the Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina came to vote, which is unprecedented and cannot to speak of any regularity. That is why these elections must be annulled," stressed Miroslav Aleksic.
He announced that together with his fellow deputies they will enter the RIC building and will not leave it until their conditions are met. /BGNES