Serbia's opposition takes oath in the corridors of parliament

Instead of taking the oath in the chamber, the members of parliament of the opposition coalition Serbia Against Violence took the oath in the corridor of the Assembly during the establishment of the parliament. They said that they would continue the fight in Parliament and that they had won the first victory by how quickly the recess was declared and how quickly the constituent sitting ended.

Marinika Tepic said that there were strong police guards in the Assembly of Serbia, who were placed in the service of Gasic and Vucic, and that they prevented MPs from moving around the Assembly.

"Everything is as if we are in a state of emergency, almost a state of war," Tepic said, adding that nothing is known, neither when the session will resume nor who will be chairman.

Miroslav Aleksic added that he would do everything possible to put the thieves who stole the elections and usurped the seats in jail.

"As far as we are concerned, we are continuing the fight here in parliament," Aleksic said, while Radomir Lazovic added that the fact that the session was already over was the opposition's first victory. /BGNES