Süddeutsche Zeitung: German companies are financing the Vucic regime

An article in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung on the political landscape in Serbia claims that German companies are helping to finance the propaganda machine of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is increasingly moving towards establishing an authoritarian regime while continuing to be tolerated. largely from EU countries.

"German companies are also helping to fund Vucic's propaganda machine by running ads in Serbia's pro-government media. And for years, the Serbian president has made sure that key figures in the EU won't be too hard on his regime as he destroys the country's democracy ", the article says.

Statements by Serbian government officials that Serbia is constantly threatened by enemies, mainly foreign Western powers, according to the authoritative German newspaper, are part of the standard repertoire of autocrats and populists. The article states, among other things, that former German Chancellor Angela Merkel encouraged the "stabilocracy" established by Vucic.

"Former Chancellor Merkel praised and promoted Vucic's role as a 'stabilocrat', as critics sneer: as a strongman who prevents geopolitical chaos in the region, provides foreign partners with a favorable investment climate, and in return is only 'partially' able to created a "free" political system in Serbia".

Given the fact that Serbia is currently at a critical point of intersection between liberal democracy and populist authoritarianism, the system established over the years by the Serbian president will not change overnight, the German newspaper believes, noting among other things that there are many indications that Serbia will maintain "stabilocracy" for a long time.

The outlook for democracy in Serbia is still unclear. It is also not yet clear whether Belgrade will pursue policies conducive to regional stability. Throughout its history, Serbia has marched in a completely different rhythm from that of the West, having allied itself with Russia and China./BGNES