Prof. Server: Vucic controls Serbs in Kosovo through secret services

The attempt by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to exert control over the Serbian community in Kosovo was carried out primarily through a more forceful policy towards the Kosovo Serbs, according to Daniel Server, a conflict management expert and one of the best-known observers of political events in the Western Balkans.

The American expert stated that the northern part of predominantly Serb Kosovo is controlled by Serbian secret services and organized crime networks in a virtual lecture hosted by the Association of Independent Intellectuals "District 99" in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The American professor said that while "Vucic's overt political attempt to control the Serbian population in Kosovo was made through Srabska Lista," the Serbian secret services and their allies in organized crime were also used to keep the Serb population, particularly in the north, loyal to Belgrade and not to Pristina.

The terrorist attack by Serbian paramilitary formations on September 24 in the village of Banska in Zvechan proved his point, but the armed uprising, whose main goal was the annexation of the northern part of the Kosovo territory, was put down by the Kosovo police and the NATO forces in Kosovo (KFOR).

Vucic has since shown a growing preference for Russia and China. This respected American professor has spent years studying international relations, and he believes that the riot of September 24 will cause the US and Europe to demand an apology and assurances that it will not be repeated. He emphasized Vui's use of the media to buttress his more dictatorial position and the intensifying media campaign against Albanians in Serbia. The instructor also addressed Vucic's detrimental impact on both Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro./BGNES