Peevski: Mickoski's words are a provocation to European values

We cannot remain indifferent when, in critical times for Europe and the world, the crisis of European values ​​in North Macedonia threatens the state to become a bridgehead for militant nationalism," Peevski also believes.

The newly elected Prime Minister of North Macedonia chose the confrontation and the trampling of European principles and from the highest parliamentary rostrum gave a request that he intends to divert the country from its Euro-Atlantic path with words preaching enmity and hatred against European Bulgaria.

This is stated in the position of the chairman of the DPS, Delyan Peevski, on the occasion of Mitkoski's claims of a "Bulgarian dictate", for the inclusion of Bulgarians in the Constitution, and that "as long as he is prime minister, there will be no changes to the Constitution".

"The arrogantly declared refusal to implement the agreement with Bulgaria, demanding the inclusion of Bulgarians in the Constitution with changes to the basic law, is a gross violation of the process of integration of North Macedonia into the EU.

More than a month ago, I appealed to Mr. Mickoski with a warning not to try to use Bulgaria for his domestic political goals, now I declare that as a country we will not remain indifferent to this yet another provocation.

I expect all members of the Bulgarian Parliament and Bulgarian members of the European Parliament, regardless of their party affiliation, not to ignore these upcoming alarming processes in our neighboring country. Because the direction in which the Republic of North Macedonia is being pushed by its political overreach is dangerous. The consequences for this irresponsibility should not be borne by the Macedonian people, but the responsibility should be for the self-forgetful politicians who are undermining the country's Euro-Atlantic path.

We cannot remain indifferent when, in critical times for Europe and the world, the crisis of European values ​​in North Macedonia threatens the state to become a bridgehead for militant nationalism," Peevski also believes. I BGNES