North Macedonian presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski: No plan "B" for constitutional changes

"There is no plan B for constitutional changes."
This is what the presidential candidate of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski said at an election rally in the municipality of Center, Skopje.
"There is only plan "A". They have to be adopted in order to become a member of the EU," he stressed.
According to him, "these elections are not like all the others, because the country is again at a crossroads - will it allow the return of "Gruevism" or will it be led by people who consider the interests of the citizens and the state".

According to Pendarovski, "the matrix of autocracy and dictatorship in VMRO-DPMNE has not disappeared."
"The country deserves to be led by responsible, conscientious and serious politicians, not by those who only want power and money. If VMRO-DPMNE comes to power, Macedonia will again be a private state of a few people or one family and most of the time only one person who will dictate to everyone else - what to do and what to think. We must not allow this to happen if we have the good of future generations in mind. If we want a dignified life, we must say 'no thank you' to such attempts at regression," said the presidential candidate from the Social Democratic Union /SDSM/.

He promised that he would be "a president for all without deepening divisions, regardless of ethnicity and political affiliation".
Pendarovski made another promise: "We will join the EU by the end of this decade, but only as Macedonians, with our name and integrity". /BGNES