Mitsotakis warned the EU: Skopje risks losing membership in the bloc

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has informed his colleagues from the European Union about the direct violation of the Prespa Agreement by North Macedonia, reported a BGNES reporter.

At yesterday's meeting of the European Council in Brussels, Mitsotakis explained the actions of Macedonian President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova and Prime Minister Hristijan Mitskoski against international law.

"It is necessary for everyone to understand that respect for European legislation obviously goes through strict compliance with international agreements," said the Greek Prime Minister, ERT reported.

"The president and prime minister of the RSM are using a name other than constitutional, completely against the spirit of the Prespa Treaty. Skopje's European perspective depends on compliance with the agreements. I have made it absolutely clear that if Skopje insists on following this line, it will essentially make it extremely difficult , if not even cancel, any process of rapid rapprochement with the European family," Mitsotakis said.

The Greek opposition party SYRIZA issued a statement regarding Macedonian President Siljanovska's meeting with the "Association of Macedonians from the Aegean Region of Macedonia".

"SYRIZA categorically condemns Gordana Siljanovska's irredentist views on the so-called "Aegean Macedonia", which grossly violates Article 4 of the Prespa Treaty. We call on the Mitsotakis government to finally wake up from the diplomatic lethargy it has fallen into and immediately internationalize the issue , so that the government of North Macedonia can face up to its responsibilities that relate to the EU accession process. Sanctions must be introduced against those who violate the Prespa Agreement under the 2021 US legislation," the party said. , referring to a presidential order signed by President Joe Biden - Executive Order 14033.

Under the order, the US can freeze assets and transactions for individuals who violate international treaties, effectively impeding peace and security in the Western Balkans.

BGNES recalls that the Prespa Treaty was signed on June 17, 2018 in the village of Nivitsi on the shores of the Great Prespa Lake by the foreign ministers of both countries, Nikos Kodzias and Nikola Dimitrov, in the presence of Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev. The agreement ended a long-running dispute over Macedonia's name between authorities in Skopje and Athens. | BGNES