Mitsotakis: The vote for the EU puts the stability of Greece at stake

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has warned voters to avoid "experimenting" with protest parties in the upcoming European Parliament elections, warning that the country's "stability" is at stake.


"We ask citizens to say 'no' to inappropriate experiments and a big 'yes' to stability," Mitsotakis said on the opening day of the three-day congress of the ruling New Democracy party.


"More than ever, we need unity in society and continuity in the economy," he said.


One of the strongest conservative parties in Europe, New Democracy has consistently led in opinion polls since the comfortable victory of pro-businessman Mitsotakis for a second term in national elections last June.


A Pulse poll for Skai TV this week showed New Democracy leading ahead of June's European Parliament vote with 28.5%, with the main opposition Syriza party in second place with 13%.


The leading position is maintained despite the wiretapping scandal and Greece's worst train crash a year ago, which killed 57 people. /BGNES