Mitsotakis before NATO: The PM of North Macedonia has decided not to implement the Prespa Agreement

"I had the opportunity to inform my colleagues about the fact that the Prime Minister of North Macedonia has decided not to implement a decisive article of the Agreement regarding the name of the state and to call it "Republic of Macedonia" within the country, which is apparently expressly prohibited by the Prespa agreement. I want to note that in the hall and in the presence of all NATO leaders, he did not apply this tactic and used the constitutional name of his country."
This was stated by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis during the NATO summit in Washington, ERT reported.
"I believe that one way or another the leadership of the North Macedonia will realize that this tactic is completely counterproductive. The agreements that must be respected is something that I emphasized yesterday and at the NATO Plenary Assembly, and something that I think all our allies also understand," Mitsotakis said.
He emphasized that Greece's desire is for Skopje to take steps towards the EU, but this implies respect for international law and the agreements that the country has apparently signed.
"In any case, Greece will not disclose the weapons at its disposal for the time being in order to respond to a possible persistence of the leadership of the neighboring country in this tactic," added the head of the Greek government. | BGNES