Mitkoski: There will be no changes in the Constitution, After the elections we will negotiate with the authorities in Sofia

There will be no changes in the Constitution under the conditions of Bulgarian dictation.

This was repeated by the leader of the Macedonian opposition party VMRO-DPMNE Hristiyan Mitskoski in an interview with the local "Television 24", reported BGNES.

According to him, "Nothing will happen if the amendments to the Constitution are voted on in the parliament before the parliamentary elections are held". "They don't have 80 people's representatives," Mickoski said.

"VMRO-DPMNE has a clear position: Under Bulgarian dictation, we will not support and will not vote, neither now nor in the future, for the changes in the Constitution as they are", said Mitkoski and explained that "after the formation of the government, there is a readiness immediately to meet with the authorities in Sofia to negotiate a way out of the situation in the country, which was created by the adventures of the current government". /BGNES