Mitkoski accused his predecessors of destabilising inter-ethnic relations in Macedonia

He stressed that those responsible for these provocations will be held accountable, BGNES reports.

"We have indications of individuals, some of them high-ranking officials in former governments, who have huge sums of money and who are trying to cause ethnic conflict, that is, to destabilize inter-ethnic harmony in Macedonia," the prime minister said.

"This worries me a lot because they realise that otherwise they cannot mobilise people and now the only way is to provoke this type of conflict. We will not allow that. I urge the public, the media and citizens to refrain from any provocations, to ignore them completely," Mitkoski added, responding to a journalist's question about allegations that there are people working to destabilise the country.

Today, after visiting the customs administration, he stressed that sooner or later the perpetrators of this kind of provocations will be brought to justice and called on citizens for patience.

"Macedonia needs to consolidate, the indicators in July were excellent in the customs administration and the tax service. Now we have to work gently and slowly on the situation so that we can then develop our country," the VMRO-DPMNE leader said.

"We do not want to make spectacles, theatres, as the previous government did," Mickoski explained. | BGNES