Minister of Mickoski: Macedonia will request a change in the conditions for membership in the EU by a regular government of Bulgaria

Macedonian Foreign Minister Timčo Mucunski again requested a "dialogue with Bulgaria" to change the conditions for starting negotiations on Skopje's accession to the European Union /EU/, BGNES reported.

Mucunski expressed the expectation that a regular government will be formed in Sofia as soon as possible, with which "we will be able to discuss and hold a dialogue - both at the highest level and between the ministries of foreign affairs".

"Our positions are known and were publicly expressed during the election campaign. Based on them, we believe that we should talk not only with Bulgaria, but also with all our neighbors with whom we have open questions," the Macedonian minister also said and added :

"There is a way to guarantee the security of our country if the further path to the EU is based on measurable criteria. I believe in reason. The integration process of our country towards full membership is in the equal interest of both ourselves and all our neighbors".

Mucunski, who was on a visit to Ohrid, pointed out that with a proactive approach, openness and good faith, taking into account global challenges, there is no issue that cannot be overcome.

Regarding VMRO-DPMNE's request to change the negotiation framework with the EU, Mucunski stated: "We must be sure that the processes we will conduct in the future will be predictable. This is important both for us as a country and for the European Union . Any further bilateralization of the European integration process destroys the legitimacy of the EU enlargement process."

"We are ready to accept constitutional changes, with delayed implementation, thus giving a guarantee for us as a country that there will be no additional new conditions from Bulgaria on a bilateral basis on our way to the European Union," he said.

BGNES reminds that in July Mutsunski announced readiness for constitutional changes, but with "delayed implementation".

"The argument from the Bulgarian side, that we do not respect the rights of the Bulgarians in the country, is not legitimate and fair. The Bulgarians can be entered as an ethnic group in our Constitution, together with the Croats, the Montenegrins..., but this should be done with a delayed application, until the protocols for the country's membership in the EU are ratified. We must have a guarantee that during this period we will be evaluated only by objective and measurable criteria," said the Macedonian foreign minister. | BGNES