Milorad Dodik urges Serbs to vote for president Aleksandar Vucic and against "the traitors"

 Serbs should vote for Aleksandar Vucic in the upcoming elections on December 17, and against the traitors.

This is what President of the Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik said. He urged Serbs to support only the list united around Vucic, "Serbia must not stop".

Dodik announced that he would personally go to the elections and vote for the party list gathered around the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SPS).

"This is the best Serbia has. I will vote for them because I cannot stand Serbian traitors", he added, saying that some of the political structures in Belgrade are financed by the West to destabilise the country.

"Serbia is the homeland of all Serbs. You cannot forbid people something as strong as love for Serbia. President Vucic has made the country powerful and strong. He was the first president to establish concrete forms of assistance and cooperation between Serbia and Republika Srpska," Dodik told Happy TV. He pointed out that Republika Srpska wants "a strong Serbia, which inspires and gives it strength".

BGNES reports that Milorad Dodik, who maintains close ties with Moscow and with Aleksandar Vucic, openly states that he wants to separate the Bosnian Serb territories from the rest of Bosnia and participate in the creation of a "Greater Serbia".

In July, Dodik issued two laws passed by the Serbian entity's parliament, but they were immediately annulled by Christian Schmidt. The laws stipulated that the decisions of the Bosnian Constitutional Court and the decisions of the Supreme Representative would no longer be respected in the Serbian entity. With the repeal of these laws, Schmidt also amended the country's criminal code, introducing the crime of "failure to implement one's own decisions", which enabled the prosecution to bring charges against Dodik.

The International Envoy, whose post was created under the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement, has discretionary powers that allow him to impose laws or dismiss elected representatives.

Dodik argues that the aim of the process is to prevent him from engaging in politics because he opposes the strengthening of the Bosnian central state.

On the 28th anniversary of the signing of the peace agreement in late November, Milorad Dodik said Bosnia's fate would be sealed by a "peaceful separation".

"The process has begun. The train has left the station and there is no turning back, this is final," he vowed.

Dodik is on the US "blacklist" for obstruction of the Dayton peace agreement, separatist actions, corruption for personal gain, etc. /BGNES